Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Did you know that Judaism doesn’t place any restrictions on children? Don’t you think that’s phenomenal?

In our society, you must be 18 or older to do certain things. Is it morally correct for an 18 year old to do them, but not morally correct for a 12 year old? How can something be right just because you’re older? The reason there’s this age thing, then, is because a younger person, due to his age, “cannot make proper choices”. But an adult, due to his age, can make improper choices?!

Why can’t a child smoke? Why can’t a child drink? Is it unhealthy only if you’re under the age of 18 or 21? Or is it because adults are allowed to make improper choices, but children are unable make proper choices? Explain that one to me.

In Judaism it’s perfectly opposite. Whereas an adult is not allowed to make improper choices, such as violate the written law, a child is. And even when there are restrictions placed upon children, it's solely for educational purposes. In other words, a child is prohibited to do only the things prohibited to an adult too. Phenomenal, eh?

Know it, love it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm reading this for the second time. It IS phenomenal. It's intertesting how Torah has completely different takes on things. And sometimes you can help but admit; It makes sense!

Anyway what's the copyright on your material? I might use this one day!

Anonymous said...

What are those annoying letters for, everytime I post? And why don't they ever believe me the first time?